Tokas PG (Boys PG) Logo

Tokas PG (Boys PG)


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About Property

Welcome to Tokas Group of Hostels, located in the heart of Dwarka Mor. We offer a secure and comfortable environment for both students and working professionals. Our well-furnished and spacious rooms provide a haven of tranquillity and privacy. You can enjoy high-speed internet, nutritious meals, 24/7 power backup, and CCTV surveillance for your safety. We have nearby shopping centres, restaurants, and public transportation options that provide convenience to our residents. Our friendly and dedicated staff is committed to providing exceptional service to ensure a pleasant stay for everyone. Come and experience the warmth of a family-like atmosphere at Tokas PG in Dwarka Mor.

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Property Amenities

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Renting Terms

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Rs 7,500/- to Rs 11,000
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Security Deposit

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Lockin Period

6 months
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Notice Period

15 days
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Electricity Unit

Rs 10 per unit

Rent Packages

Property Rules

Property Rule Icon

1. 15 days' rent is charged as a security amount on admission at Tokas PG. It will be refunded after adjusting dues, excluding rent. A fine is charged if any items provided are missing. The caretaker inspects all items before vacating.

Property Rule Icon

2. It is prohibited to put anything on the walls or furniture. Any damage to the premises will result in fines for repair or replacement.

Property Rule Icon

3. No smoking, alcohol, drugs, or narcotics allowed inside the PG. Violators will be immediately asked to leave. Smoke on the balcony or outside.

Property Rule Icon

4. Members will be held responsible for any damage caused to PG Property, collectively or individually, and will be liable to pay a penalty.

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Property Owner

Permander Kumar

Tokas PG is run by Mr. Tokas and Mrs.Tokas. Mr.Tokas is a born leader and entrepreneur, ventured into multiple businesses in his career spanning Hospitality and Catering organizations for more than one & a half-decade. He is known for his ability to tackle any kind of situation with ease. His entrepreneurial skills have helped not only the business to steer on the growth path but have also helped the people around him to grow. Mrs. Tokas is a kind lady who treats all the members of the Girls PG with affection.She is an ambitious lady who has a lot of self-belief in herself and she takes all the opportunities to take Tokas PG to a Higher Level. Being the owner of such a big PG she still is passionate to extend her business. They both take the concern to each small issue. Mr.Tokas and Mrs. Tokas treat boys and girls respectively as their family members and try their level best to give them all the facilities, Mr. Tokas is known for his ability to tackle any kind of situation with ease. His entrepreneurial skills have helped not only the business to steer on growth path, but has also helped the people around him to grow. We treat girls and boys as our family members and try our level best to give them all the facilities as much as possible. We provide healthy and homely food prepared from fresh and branded products. Housekeeping is excellent. Close proximity to Metro station allows you to reach anywhere in and around Delhi in the shortest time possible. Its only 2 minutes walk from the Tokas pg accommodation to the Dwarka Mor Metro Station and pick-up point on Main Road for autos, buses and cabs.

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Tokas PG (Boys PG)

Welcome to Tokas Group of Hostels, located in the heart of Dwarka Mor. We offer a secure and comfortable environment for both students and working professionals. Our well-furnished and spacious rooms provide a haven of tranquillity and privacy. You can enjoy high-speed internet, nutritious meals, 24/7 power backup, and CCTV surveillance for your safety. We have nearby shopping centres, restaurants, and public transportation options that provide convenience to our residents. Our friendly and dedicated staff is committed to providing exceptional service to ensure a pleasant stay for everyone. Come and experience the warmth of a family-like atmosphere at Tokas PG in Dwarka Mor.

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A-19, Street-8, Tower Building, Dwarka Mor, Sewak Park, New Delhi Delhi 110059

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